Canto tradizionale Sefardita (Sephardi), Lingua Ladina, Yamma Ensemble, T.Solan: Sien Drahmas Al Dia

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    Canto tradizionale Sefardita (Sephardi) in Lingua Ladina

    Jewish Sephardi song from the repertoire of Jewish community that settled down in Greece after the expulsion from Spain in 1492
    canción sefardí antigua en Ladino. / Sephardic Song / traditional Jewish Sephardic song.

    Ladino, otherwise known as Judeo-Spanish, is the spoken and written language of Jews of Spanish origin. Ladino was consolidated as a specifically Jewish language after the expulsion from Spain in 1492, when it came into contacts with Turkish and other Balkan languages, and adopted a massive vocabulary from Hebew. It is also known as Judezmo, Dzhudezmo, or Spaniolit.

    When the Jews were expelled from Spain and Portugal they were cut off from the further development of the language, but they continued to speak it in the communities and countries to which they emigrated. The further away from Spain the emigrants went, the more cut off they were from developments in the language, and the more Ladino began to diverge from mainstream Castilian Spanish. Ladino therefore basically reflects the grammar and vocabulary of 15th century Spanish, but has heavy Hebrew and Turkish components.
0 replies since 29/6/2017, 22:07   90 views